Speed up your repair shop's checkout process and collect customer data right from the source. With self check-in, enjoy a smoother, faster checkout.
Enjoy a faster and simpler checkout experience by splitting the load with the customer. Your customers can check in to your repair shop while you work on the task at hand.
Get precise and accurate data directly from your customers. Know who your customers are and how you can reach them for repairs in one simple go.
Save up on the time spent with each customer, so you can serve more customer as they come in. With faster check-ins and check-outs, you'll be taking in more repairs from more customers in a single day.
No, you can only take digital signatures on customer facing display.
You can use any hardware that has a browser, an internet connection and a touchscreen.
No, they are not the same. The self check-in widget is exclusive of customer facing display, where the former can be added to the latter. It can also exist on its own, without the customer facing display.
No, self check-in can only be done on a pre-configured device.
Yes, you can run your store logo, advertisements, deals and promotions on the self check-in display.